Cara Memperbaiki File Foto Yang Rusak Setelah Di Recovery

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  1. Cara Memperbaiki Printer
  2. Cara Memperbaiki File Foto Yang Rusak
  3. Cara Memperbaiki Flashdisk


Cara Mengembalikan Data yang Hilang dari Flashdisk yang Rusak Colok USB Drive atau Flashdisk kamu ke Komputer lalu jalankan Run. Setelah itu ketik cmd, klik kanan lalu Run as Admin. Setelah proses, maka akan tampil directory data yang siap anda recovery. Pilih Data yang akan anda recovery. Jika sudah Anda temukan, klik kanan pada folder kemudian pilih Copy dan Simpan di media sekunder yang sudah Anda persiapkan sebelumnya. 'Jangan menyimpan file hasil recovery ini ke dalam drive/partisi yang sedang Anda recovery saat ini. Tool ini dapat memperbaiki file Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, dan ZIP (winzip) file yang corrupt / rusak karena virus atau sebab lain. Data atau file yang hilang lebih sulit di-recover jika: 1) Anda menambahkan file baru setelah Anda menghapus atau memformat hard disk. 2) Anda menggunakan FAT32 dalam Windows XP. Angka di sebelah kanan menunjukkan seperti sebuah file jpg yang rusak. Anda dapat download versi trial dari Wondershare Data Recovery dan kemudian mulai untuk memulihkan file rusak. 3 langkah untuk memulihkan file rusak. Di sini kita mengambil Wondershare Data Recovery untuk Windows sebagai contoh. Untuk mengatasi ini bisa memakai cara dengan melakukan recovery file pada disk. Alhamdulillah cara ini berhasil, dan semoga bisa bermanfaat buat kawan-kawan. Pada recovery file ini menggunakan program khusus yang dibuat dengan sengaja untuk melakukkan pemulihan pada perangkat penyimpanan, baik hardisk maupun flasdisk.

This article describes how to identify a damaged document in Word 2007 and later versions. Additionally, this article includes steps that explain how to recover the text and data that is contained in a document after you have identified the document as damaged.

This article is intended for a beginning to intermediate computer user.You may find it easier to follow the steps if you print this article first.

Update Microsoft Office and Windows

Many software issues can be resolved by updating the Microsoft Office and Windows programs.

A damaged document or a software issue?

A Word document can become corrupted for several reasons that will prevent you from opening it. This behavior may be related to damage to the document or to the template on which the document is based. This behavior might include the following:

  • Repeatedly renumbers the existing pages in the document
  • Repeatedly redoes the page breaks in the document
  • Incorrect document layout and formatting
  • Unreadable characters on the screen
  • Error messages during processing
  • A computer that stops responding when you open the file
  • Any other unexpected behavior that cannot be attributed to the typical operation of the program

Sometimes, this behavior can be caused by factors other than document damage. It is important to determine whether the document is damaged or whether the problem is a software issue. To eliminate these other factors, follow these steps:

  1. Look for similar behavior in other documents. Try to open other Word documents to see whether the same problem occurs. If they open correctly, then the problem might be with the Word document.
  2. Look for similar behavior in other Microsoft Office programs. If this is the case, then the issue might be with another application or the operating system.

Setelah file word yang berhasil di unggah muncul di sebelah kanan, maka bisa kita buka dengan cara arahkan kursor ke file lalu klik kanan pilih buka, maka akan muncul tampilan seperti. Langsung saja browsing menggunakan internet, searching disemua search engine seperti google, penulis menemukan beberapa aplikasi yang dikatakan mudah untuk memperbaiki file yang rusak ini. Namun penulis sendiri jatuh hati pada software yang berikut ini, karena beberapa software atau aplikasi yang dicoba, aplikasi ini layak diacungi jempol.

If any of these steps indicate that the problem is not in the document, you will then have to troubleshoot Word, the Office suite, or the operating system that is running on the computer.

Troubleshooting steps to try if the damaged document does not open

Try the methods in the order given. If one does not work for you, try the next one.

Method 1: Open the damaged document in draft mode without updating links

Step 1: Configure Word

  1. Start Word.
  2. On the View tab, select Draft in the Document Views group.
  3. Select the File Menu, and then Options,and then Advanced.
  4. In the Show document contentsection, select Use Draft font in Draft and Outline viewsand Show Picture placeholders.
  5. In the General section, clear the check box Update automatic links at Open, select OK,and then close Word.

Step 2: Open the damaged document

  1. Start Word.
  2. Select the File Menu, and then select Open.
  3. Select the damaged document, and then select Open.

If you can open the document, close the document and then reopen it by using method 6, and repair the document. Otherwise go to method 2.

Method 2: Insert the document as a file in a new document

Step 1: Create a new blank document

  1. Select the File Menu, and then select New.

  2. Select Blank document, and then select Create.


    You might have to reapply some formatting to the last section of the new document.

Step 2: Insert the damaged document into the new document

  1. On the Insert tab, select Insert Object, and then select Text From File.

  2. In the Insert File dialog box, locate and then select the damaged document. Then, select Insert.


    You might have to reapply some formatting to the last section of the new document.

Method 3: Create a link to the damaged document

Step 1: Create blank document

  1. In Word, select the File Menu, and then select New.
  2. Select Blank document, and then select Create.
  3. In the new document, type 'This is a test.'
  4. Select the File Menu, and then select Save.
  5. Type 'Rescue link,' and then select Save.

Step 2: Create link

  1. Select the text you typed in step 1c.
  2. On the Home tab, select Copy in the Clipboard group.
  3. Select the File Menu, and then select New.
  4. Select Blank document, and then select Create.
  5. On the Home tab, select the arrow on the Paste button in the Clipboard group, and then select Paste Special.
  6. Select Paste link, select Formatted Text (RTF).
  7. Select OK.

Step 3: Change the link to the damaged document

  1. Right-click the linked text in the document, point to Linked Document Object, and then select Links.

  2. In the Links dialog box, select the file name of the linked document, and then select Change Source.

  3. In the Change Source dialog box, select the document that you cannot open, and then select Open.

  4. Select OK to close the Links dialog box.


    The information from the damaged document will appear if there was any recoverable data or text.

  5. Right-click the linked text, point to Linked Document Object, and then select Links.

  6. In the Links dialog box, select Break Link.

  7. When you receive the following message, select Yes: Are you sure you want to break the selected links?

Method 4: Use the 'Recover Text from Any File' converter


The 'Recover Text from Any File' converter has limitations. For example, document formatting is lost. Additionally, graphics, fields, drawing objects, and any other items that are not text are lost. However, field text, headers, footers, footnotes, and endnotes are retained as simple text.

  1. In Word, select the File Menu, and then select Open.
  2. In the Files of type box, select Recover Text from Any File(.).
  3. Select the document from which you want to recover the text.
  4. Select Open.

After the document is recovered by using the 'Recover Text from Any File' converter, there is some binary data text that is not converted. This text is primarily at the start and end of the document. You must delete this binary data text before you save the file as a Word document.


If you are using Word 2007 and there is not a file button in the User Interface, choose the Office Button and follow the directions when necessary.

Troubleshooting steps to try if you can open the damaged document

Method 1: Copy everything except the last paragraph mark to a new document


Step 1: Create a new document

  1. In Word, select File on the Ribbon, and then select New.
  2. Select Blank document, and then select Create.

Step 2: Open the damaged document

  1. Select File on the Ribbon, and then select Open.
  2. Select the damaged document, and then select Open.

Step 3: Copy the contents of document, and then paste the contents into the new document


If your document contains section breaks, copy only the text between the sections breaks. Do not copy the section breaks because this may bring the damage into your new document. Change the document view to draft view when you copy and paste between documents to avoid transferring section breaks. To change to draft view, on theView tab, selectDraft in theDocument Views group.

  1. In the damaged document, press CTRL+END, and then press CTRL+SHIFT+HOME.
  2. On the Home tab, select Copy in the Clipboard group.
  3. On the View tab, select Switch Windows in the Window group.
  4. Select the new document that you created in step 1.
  5. On the Home tab, select Paste in the Clipboard group.

If the strange behavior persists, go to method 8.

Method 2: Change the template that is used by the document

Step 1: Determine the template that is used by the document

  1. Open the damaged document in Word.
  2. Select File on the Ribbon, and then select Options.
  3. Select Add-Ins.
  4. In the Manage box, select Templates under View and manage Office add-ins.
  5. Select Go.

The Document template box will list the template that is used by the document. If the template that is listed is Normal, go to step 2. Otherwise, go to step 3.

Step 2: Rename the global template (Normal.dotm)

  1. Exit Word.
  2. Select the Start** button**.
  3. In your operating system search for the normal.dotm. It's typically found in this location: %userprofile%appdataroamingmicrosofttemplates
  4. Right-click Normal.dotm, and then select Rename.
  5. Type 'Oldword.old', and then press ENTER.
  6. Close File Explorer.
  7. Start Word, and then open the document.

Step 3: Change the document template

  1. Open the damaged document in Word.
  2. Select File on the Ribbon, and then select Options.
  3. Select Add-Ins.
  4. In the Manage box, select Templates, and then select Go.
  5. Select Attach.
  6. In the Templates folder, select Normal.dotm, and then select Open.
  7. Select OK to close the Templates and Add-ins dialog box.
  8. Exit Word.

Step 4: Verify that changing templates worked.

  1. Start Word.
  2. Select File on the Ribbon, and then select Options.
  3. Select the damaged document, and then select Open.

If the strange behavior persists, go to method 3.

Method 3: Start Word using default settings

You can use the/a switch to start Word by using only the default settings in Word. When you use the/a switch, Word does not load any add-ins. Additionally, Word does not use your existing Normal.dotm template. Restart Word by using the/a switch.

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Step 1: Start Word by using the /a switch

  1. Exit Word.

  2. Select the Start button and search for Run. In the Run dialog box type the following:

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    winword.exe /a

Step 2: Open the document

  1. In Word, select File on the Ribbon, and then select Open.
  2. Select the damaged document, and then select Open.

If the strange behavior persists, go to method 4.

Method 4: Change printer drivers

Step 1: Try a different printer driver

  1. In your operating system search for Devices and Printers.
  2. Select Add a printer.
  3. In the Add Printer dialog box, select Add a local printer.
  4. Select Use an existing port, and then select Next.
  5. In the Manufacturer list, select Microsoft.
  6. Select Microsoft XPS Document Writer, and then select Next.
  7. Select Use the driver that is currently installed (recommended), and then select Next.
  8. Select to select the Set as the default printer check box, and then select Next.
  9. Select Finish.

Step 2: Verify that changing printer drivers fixes the problem

  1. Start Word.
  2. Select File on the Ribbon, and then select Open.
  3. Select the damaged document, and then select Open.

If the strange behavior persists, go to step 3.

Step 3: Reinstall original printer driver.

Windows 10 and Windows 7

  1. In your operating system search for Printers.

  2. Select the original default printer, and then select Delete.

    If you are prompted for an administrator password or for a confirmation, type the password, or select Continue.

  3. If you are prompted to remove all the files that are associated with the printer, select Yes.

  4. Select Add a printer or scanner, and then follow the instructions in the Add Printer Wizard to reinstall the printer driver.

Step 4: Verify that changing printer drivers fixes the problem

  1. Start Word.
  2. Select File on the Ribbon, and then select Open.
  3. Select the damaged document, and then select Open.

If the strange behavior persists, go to method 5.

Method 5: Force Word to try to repair a file

Step 1: Repair document

In Word, select File on the Ribbon, and then select Open.

  1. In the Open dialog box, click once to highlight your Word document.
  2. Select the arrow on the Open button, and then select Open and Repair.

Step 2: Verify that repairing the document fixes the problem

Verify that the strange behavior no longer occurs. If the strange behavior persists, restart Windows, and then go to method 6.

Method 6: Change the document format, and then convert the document back to the Word format

Step 1: Open the document

  1. Start Word.
  2. Select File on the Ribbon, and then select Open.
  3. Select the damaged document, and then select Open.

Step 2: Save the document in a different file format

  1. Select File on the Ribbon, and then select Save as.
  2. Select Other Formats.
  3. In the Save as file type list, select Rich Text Format (*.rtf).
  4. Select Save.
  5. Select File on the Ribbon, and then select Close.

Step 3: Open the document, and then convert document back to Word file format

  1. In Word, select File, and then select Open.
  2. Select the converted document, and then select Open.
  3. Select File, and then select Save as.
  4. Choose Word Document for the Save As type.
  5. Rename the document's file name, and then select Save.

Step 4: Verify that converting the document file format fixes the problem

Verify that the strange behavior no longer occurs. If the behavior persists, try to save the file in another file format. Repeat step 1 to step 4, and then try to save the file in the following file formats, in the following order:

  • Webpage (.htm; .html)
  • Any other word processing format
  • Plain Text (.txt)


When you save files in thePlain Text (.txt) format, you might resolve the damage to the document. However, all document formatting, macro code, and graphics are lost. When you save files in thePlain Text (.txt) format, you must reformat the document. Therefore, use thePlain Text (.txt) format only if the other file formats do not resolve the problem.

If the strange behavior persists, go to method 7.

Method 7: Copy the undamaged parts of the damaged document to a new document

Step 1: Create a new document

  1. In Word, select File, and then select New.
  2. Select Blank document, and then select Create.

Cara Memperbaiki Printer

Step 2: Open the damaged document

  1. Select File, and then select Open.
  2. Select the damaged document, and then select Open.

Step 3: Copy the undamaged parts of document, and then paste the undamaged parts to the new document


If your document contains section breaks, copy only the text between the sections breaks. Do not copy the section breaks because this might bring the damage into your new document. Change the document view to draft view when you copy and paste between documents to avoid transferring section breaks. To change to draft view, on theView tab, selectDraft in theDocument Views group.

  1. In the damaged document, locate and then select an undamaged part of the document's contents.
  2. On the Home tab, select Copy in the Clipboard group.
  3. On the View tab, select Switch Windows in the Window group.
  4. Select the new document that you created in step 1.
  5. On the Home tab, select Paste in the Clipboard group.
  6. Repeat steps 3a to 3e for each undamaged part of the document. You must reconstruct the damaged sections of your document.

Method 8: Switch the document view to remove the damaged content

Cara Memperbaiki File Foto Yang Rusak

If the document appears to be truncated (not all pages in the document are displayed), it might be possible to switch the document view and remove the damaged content from the document.

Cara Memperbaiki Flashdisk

  1. Determine the page number on which the damaged content is causing the document to appear to be truncated.

    1. In Word, select File, and then select Open.
    2. Select the damaged document, and then select Open.
    3. Scroll to view the last page that is displayed before the document appears to be truncated. Make a note of the content which appears on that page.
  2. Switch views, and then remove the damaged content.

    1. On the View tab in the Document Views group, select Web Layout or Draft view.
    2. Scroll to view the content that was displayed before the document appeared to be truncated.
    3. Select and delete the next paragraph, table, or object in the file.
    4. On the View tab in the Document Views group, select Print Layout. If the document continues to appear to be truncated, continue to switch views and delete content until the document no longer appears truncated in Print Layout view.
    5. Save the document.